Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Baby Update

Well, I went in for my checkup yesterday and everything is still looking good going along smoothly. They measured my belly and its measuring 2-3 weeks larger than I should be, which the dtr said that she could have been sticking her little butt up and causing the measurement to be larger so they really didn't want to confirm anything as of yet. So, they want to do an u/s in two weeks so they can get a look at this girl and see if they can tell how big she is getting. I have a feeling she is going to be just as big as her brother(9 pounder), but we'll see. They will also talk to me at that visit about whether I want to consider another c-section if it looks like she's going to be large. I just can't make up my mind, I really don't want to have another c-section, but I also don't know if I want to push out a huge baby or not! ha! or worse, labor for 12+ hours and then have to have a c-section anyways. I'm just not sure what to think or do. I think Chris wants me to have a c-section b/c he worries about seeing me in labor, he hasn't said so, but keeps asking me if I would consider another c-section. There are pros and cons with both, I guess I will just wait until the next visit to really start thinking about it. They did tell me they don't want me going past my due date and they don't want to induce me b/c of my prior c/s, so I either go into labor myself or they plan a c-section if I'm getting close to my due date.

On another note, I am still feeling good, just big! I have had some braxton hicks contractions off and on(that tightening feeling) At least, I guess that is what it is. It doesn't hurt it just feels strange. So, that's all for now. I will write again soon....

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