Monday, March 10, 2008

36 1/2 weeks.....

Hi everyone! I am still here! 36 1/2 weeks along and still feeling relatively good. I tire out so easily these days, there are so many things I want to do before Emma arrival, but I'm starting to realize that I probably wont get to them all and that's okay. I go back for another dtr appt. this Thursday the 13th when I'll officially be 37 weeks. I'm really starting to wonder whether or not I'll make it to the 27th! I hope we do, I really don't want her to come early, but I know if she does she will be fine. Just like with her brother Aidan, I will miss having her safe and snug inside me. There is just something about being pregnant and knowing that your baby is safely inside you, I will also miss this big belly of mine! ha! The one thing that is the hardest right now is sleep or lack there of! I know that when Emma comes I wont be sleeping much, but atleast the short naps I will get will be sound and comfortable. I just can't seem to get comfortable right now and its so hard for me to breathe.

Each day I wonder when she is going to make her debut! I also wonder what she will look like and if she will look like Aidan did when he was first born. So many things go through my mind right now, esp. since I have a toddler at home and I worry how he will react and how I will manage two little ones at the same time. I know I will have the help of my loving family at first, but there will be a point where I'll have to figure it out on my own. I worry most about my mornings when I have to go back to work after maternity, mainly b/c I will be doing it all myself. Chris has to go in to work so early in the morning he wont be able to help me out, he leaves around 5 am, so I may just have to get up when he gets up so I can get out of the house at a decent time. I know I'll figure it out, I just can't help but playing it through my mind over and over. Maybe that's why I can't sleep?! ha!

On another note, my sister and new baby Carter are at home and doing well and she has started a blog page for Carter, but its private, so if you are interested in seeing his blog, please email her at to get an invitation to his blog.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

After just a couple of weeks home with Carter, I can't imagine how anyone could do this with another child! I know people do it all the time, but the idea sounds overwhelming at the moment. :-P I'll have to watch you and learn!