Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Emma trying to Swing

I just had to post this video that my mom took of Emma last weekend. She has had this baby swing for a while and Papa Rick has yet to put it up and Emma discovered it while playing and tried her best to swing in it and is clearly upset with her Papa for not having it up for her. too cute!

I ran across this video of Aidan when he first started walking, so cute when they are learning how to walk. It really doesn't seem like that long ago. He's 3 now and he and Emma both started walking around 15 months.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Emma is getting so big! She is so cute in that video, copying Mom's faces.

It's so weird to see videos of Aidan when he was the age Carter and Emma are now! Every now and then I look back at videos of Carter when he was little, and it's so strange to remember he was that small.