The drive home was the hardest part of the trip. The drive down we did at night, which worked out beautifully b/c they both slept most of the way down. The drive home we did during the day, Emma did fine, but Aidan got tired of being in the car very quickly. Even after we had almost been in the car for 9 hours I would look over at Emma in her seat and she would just grin at me. She was probably the only one still in a good mood by the time we got home.
I didn't take as many pictures as I normally would b/c of the weather. The only thing I really did want to get was a family picture of all four of us. Its just so hard to do for some reason. The few times we did try Aidan wanted to do something else and I didn't want to have a picture of him screaming b/c one of us was holding him or Emma wanted to eat, the timing was never right. We could have done it if the weather had held out for us. We did try inside too, but the best we got was pics of either me and Aidan, Chris and Emma or three of us never all four. Oh, well, can't do anything about it now. We'll have plenty of family shots soon I know. Lori got some cute pics (I think) on her camera of Aidan and Emma sitting beside each other, I can't wait to see those. All in all it was a good trip and so good to see everyone, hopefully we can convince Uncle Gary and Aunt Julie to come up for a visit sometime! :)
You can really see her hair in this one, its finally starting to grow a bit.
Sitting in the bumbo seat. This is blurry b/c I turned the flash off so I could get her with her eyes open, poor thing automatically closes her eyes now when she sees the camera.
Here's a video of her playing under her gym:
Here she is on her tummy:
Here is one of her kicking and swatting at the toys in her gym(I'm not sure why my camera goes out of focus while I'm filming, drives me crazy!):